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Healthy Products

Enjoy these tasty & healthy snacks in every moment you like with these nutrients from coarse rice, black sesame, corns, brown rice and other natural materials providing high fibre and none of cholesterol and MSG & Preservative. Snack benefits are not only for good health but they are also tasty in variety of flavours;
Why Brown rice

Brown rice is also called 'unpolished rice' and is brown in color.  The husk is removed from the seed    Under this layer is a thin brownish layer called the 'bran' layer. there are many nutrients and health benefits of high fiber diet are being stressed by medical expert  The health benefits of high fiber content foods are numerous, it reduces the possibility of heart diseases, helps avoid abrupt spikes in sugar levels, helps digestion and reduces constipation etc. Some medical tests have indicated that the health benefits of brown rice could include controlling high blood pressure. Besides high fiber content, brown rice also contains other nutrients like, B vitamins, manganese, selenium and iron
Brown rice reduces risk of metabolic syndrome - The latest research shows that refined grains and the foods made from them (e.g., white breads, cookies, pastries, pasta and rice) are now being linked not only to weight gain but to increased risk of insulin resistance (the precursor of type 2 diabetes) and the metabolic syndrome (a strong predictor of both type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease), while eating more whole grain foods is being shown to protect against all these ills.
    +662 266 6901-6   cal@calintertrade.co.th     beyourcal     @calnutri  
  cal intertrade co. ltd @ 2015